About us
A Rocha is an international nature conservation organization working to show God’s love to all of creation.
Our goals:
Based on the testimony of the Holy Scriptures, both the Old and the New Testament, our goal is to share our belief in our common responsibility for God’s creation with other Christians and friends outside the Christian circles.
In our work we want to point to the beauty, richness and value of natural environment. As is written in the New Testament, all of it was created to honor Jesus Christ (letter to Colossians, chapters 1 and 2). And Jesus, the Son of God who came to the world in human body, is the Good Shepherd of all creation.
Long term goals:
- Engage individuals and groups in Christian-ecological activities
- Develop a network of environmental groups and “green cell groups” affiliated to local churches
- Educate children, young people and adults in their attitude toward the environment
- Build the Christian Environmental Center Krupárna (The Mill) and another smaller one in another part of the Czech Republic, offering to Christians and non-Christians alike environmental programs linked to practical conservation activities (possibly with short term accommodation)
- Build alternative energy sources for demonstration in and around Krupárna, e.g. a water turbine (we already have a project for one and are currently looking for sponsors)
- Solar panels, small wind power station etc.
Short term goals:
- Renovate Krupárna and launch the first 2-3 year period of the Center’s activites
- Broaden ARCZ membership base both among Christians and in secular circles
Our activities:
Our work currently focuses primarily on:
- Wildlife clubs for children
- Establishing new contacts in several Protestant churches and in the Roman Catholic church
- Work at the Mill
- Cooperation with the Czech Society for Ornithology and Czech Society for Nature Conservation in the areas of Orlické Záhoří and Josefovské louky
- Cooperation with the Brethren Church in Česká Skalice
- Educational programs in kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools and colleges
- Project for cavity-nesting forest birds in cooperation with the BTO (Ken Perry; group from Ireland)
- Protection and monitoring of the Kingfisher on the Zlatý potok stream (also called the Dědina)