Stop the destruction of Šumava National Park!

11th September 2011

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Šumava is the most extensive forest ecosystem in central Europe and the last remaining nesting place of the capercaillie in the Czech Republic. It is also home to the three-toed woodpecker, pygmy owl, tengmalm’s owl, as well as many other rare mountain species. Thanks to this uniqueness, the Šumava has been classified as a Special Protected Area within the Natura 2000 network.

The forests of the Šumava are currently under serious attack from the bark beetle. This insect is, however, a natural part of mountain ecosystems and does not represent an artificial threat requiring any external or man-made intervention. This particular fact has been scientifically documented on many occasions (as evidenced by the letter on this matter signed by dozens of scientists from the Czech Republic and abroad).

In the spring of 2011 the new management of the Šumava National Park decided to commence extensive logging of those trees affected by the bark beetle without taking into account the area’s status as a Special Protected Area under Natura 2000 and the legal restrictions stemming from this. These logging activities will destroy the habitats of rare bird species for many years to come. Worst of all, these illegal measures are being tolerated by the Czech Ministry of Environment, which tacitly supports the actions of the National Park Management.

The Czech Society for Ornithology (ČSO) the Czech Partner of BirdLife International, therefore appeals for international support to save the unique Šumava wilderness. You can do this by signing our letter to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic.

Please help stop the unprecedented destruction of a National Park!

You can send an email to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic here.

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